LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/wallet - walletdb.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 65 66 98.5 %
Date: 2020-09-26 01:30:44 Functions: 57 59 96.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
       3             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       4             : // file COPYING or
       5             : 
       6             : #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLETDB_H
       7             : #define BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLETDB_H
       8             : 
       9             : #include <amount.h>
      10             : #include <script/sign.h>
      11             : #include <wallet/bdb.h>
      12             : #include <wallet/db.h>
      13             : #include <wallet/walletutil.h>
      14             : #include <key.h>
      15             : 
      16             : #include <stdint.h>
      17             : #include <string>
      18             : #include <vector>
      19             : 
      20             : /**
      21             :  * Overview of wallet database classes:
      22             :  *
      23             :  * - WalletBatch is an abstract modifier object for the wallet database, and encapsulates a database
      24             :  *   batch update as well as methods to act on the database. It should be agnostic to the database implementation.
      25             :  *
      26             :  * The following classes are implementation specific:
      27             :  * - BerkeleyEnvironment is an environment in which the database exists.
      28             :  * - BerkeleyDatabase represents a wallet database.
      29             :  * - BerkeleyBatch is a low-level database batch update.
      30             :  */
      31             : 
      32             : static const bool DEFAULT_FLUSHWALLET = true;
      33             : 
      34             : struct CBlockLocator;
      35             : class CKeyPool;
      36             : class CMasterKey;
      37             : class CScript;
      38             : class CWallet;
      39             : class CWalletTx;
      40             : class uint160;
      41             : class uint256;
      42             : 
      43             : /** Error statuses for the wallet database */
      44             : enum class DBErrors
      45             : {
      46             :     LOAD_OK,
      47             :     CORRUPT,
      48             :     NONCRITICAL_ERROR,
      49             :     TOO_NEW,
      50             :     LOAD_FAIL,
      51             :     NEED_REWRITE
      52             : };
      53             : 
      54             : namespace DBKeys {
      55             : extern const std::string ACENTRY;
      56             : extern const std::string ACTIVEEXTERNALSPK;
      57             : extern const std::string ACTIVEINTERNALSPK;
      58             : extern const std::string BESTBLOCK;
      59             : extern const std::string BESTBLOCK_NOMERKLE;
      60             : extern const std::string CRYPTED_KEY;
      61             : extern const std::string CSCRIPT;
      62             : extern const std::string DEFAULTKEY;
      63             : extern const std::string DESTDATA;
      64             : extern const std::string FLAGS;
      65             : extern const std::string HDCHAIN;
      66             : extern const std::string KEY;
      67             : extern const std::string KEYMETA;
      68             : extern const std::string MASTER_KEY;
      69             : extern const std::string MINVERSION;
      70             : extern const std::string NAME;
      71             : extern const std::string OLD_KEY;
      72             : extern const std::string ORDERPOSNEXT;
      73             : extern const std::string POOL;
      74             : extern const std::string PURPOSE;
      75             : extern const std::string SETTINGS;
      76             : extern const std::string TX;
      77             : extern const std::string VERSION;
      78             : extern const std::string WALLETDESCRIPTOR;
      79             : extern const std::string WALLETDESCRIPTORCKEY;
      80             : extern const std::string WALLETDESCRIPTORKEY;
      81             : extern const std::string WATCHMETA;
      82             : extern const std::string WATCHS;
      83             : } // namespace DBKeys
      84             : 
      85             : /* simple HD chain data model */
      86             : class CHDChain
      87             : {
      88             : public:
      89             :     uint32_t nExternalChainCounter;
      90             :     uint32_t nInternalChainCounter;
      91             :     CKeyID seed_id; //!< seed hash160
      92             : 
      93             :     static const int VERSION_HD_BASE        = 1;
      94             :     static const int VERSION_HD_CHAIN_SPLIT = 2;
      95             :     static const int CURRENT_VERSION        = VERSION_HD_CHAIN_SPLIT;
      96             :     int nVersion;
      97             : 
      98       24098 :     CHDChain() { SetNull(); }
      99             : 
     100       61626 :     SERIALIZE_METHODS(CHDChain, obj)
     101             :     {
     102       20542 :         READWRITE(obj.nVersion, obj.nExternalChainCounter, obj.seed_id);
     103       20542 :         if (obj.nVersion >= VERSION_HD_CHAIN_SPLIT) {
     104       19541 :             READWRITE(obj.nInternalChainCounter);
     105       19541 :         }
     106       20542 :     }
     107             : 
     108       12049 :     void SetNull()
     109             :     {
     110       12049 :         nVersion = CHDChain::CURRENT_VERSION;
     111       12049 :         nExternalChainCounter = 0;
     112       12049 :         nInternalChainCounter = 0;
     113       12049 :         seed_id.SetNull();
     114       12049 :     }
     115             : 
     116             :     bool operator==(const CHDChain& chain) const
     117             :     {
     118             :         return seed_id == chain.seed_id;
     119             :     }
     120             : };
     121             : 
     122     2290573 : class CKeyMetadata
     123             : {
     124             : public:
     125             :     static const int VERSION_BASIC=1;
     126             :     static const int VERSION_WITH_HDDATA=10;
     127             :     static const int VERSION_WITH_KEY_ORIGIN = 12;
     128             :     static const int CURRENT_VERSION=VERSION_WITH_KEY_ORIGIN;
     129             :     int nVersion;
     130             :     int64_t nCreateTime; // 0 means unknown
     131             :     std::string hdKeypath; //optional HD/bip32 keypath. Still used to determine whether a key is a seed. Also kept for backwards compatibility
     132             :     CKeyID hd_seed_id; //id of the HD seed used to derive this key
     133             :     KeyOriginInfo key_origin; // Key origin info with path and fingerprint
     134      671174 :     bool has_key_origin = false; //!< Whether the key_origin is useful
     135             : 
     136     1276100 :     CKeyMetadata()
     137      638050 :     {
     138      638050 :         SetNull();
     139     1276100 :     }
     140       66248 :     explicit CKeyMetadata(int64_t nCreateTime_)
     141       33124 :     {
     142       33124 :         SetNull();
     143       33124 :         nCreateTime = nCreateTime_;
     144       66248 :     }
     145             : 
     146      115107 :     SERIALIZE_METHODS(CKeyMetadata, obj)
     147             :     {
     148       38369 :         READWRITE(obj.nVersion, obj.nCreateTime);
     149       38369 :         if (obj.nVersion >= VERSION_WITH_HDDATA) {
     150       38369 :             READWRITE(obj.hdKeypath, obj.hd_seed_id);
     151       38369 :         }
     152       38369 :         if (obj.nVersion >= VERSION_WITH_KEY_ORIGIN)
     153             :         {
     154       38358 :             READWRITE(obj.key_origin);
     155       38358 :             READWRITE(obj.has_key_origin);
     156       38358 :         }
     157       38369 :     }
     158             : 
     159      671174 :     void SetNull()
     160             :     {
     161      671174 :         nVersion = CKeyMetadata::CURRENT_VERSION;
     162      671174 :         nCreateTime = 0;
     163      671174 :         hdKeypath.clear();
     164      671174 :         hd_seed_id.SetNull();
     165      671174 :         key_origin.clear();
     166      671174 :         has_key_origin = false;
     167      671174 :     }
     168             : };
     169             : 
     170             : /** Access to the wallet database.
     171             :  * Opens the database and provides read and write access to it. Each read and write is its own transaction.
     172             :  * Multiple operation transactions can be started using TxnBegin() and committed using TxnCommit()
     173             :  * Otherwise the transaction will be committed when the object goes out of scope.
     174             :  * Optionally (on by default) it will flush to disk on close.
     175             :  * Every 1000 writes will automatically trigger a flush to disk.
     176             :  */
     177      472666 : class WalletBatch
     178             : {
     179             : private:
     180             :     template <typename K, typename T>
     181      438052 :     bool WriteIC(const K& key, const T& value, bool fOverwrite = true)
     182             :     {
     183      438052 :         if (!m_batch->Write(key, value, fOverwrite)) {
     184        7322 :             return false;
     185             :         }
     186      430730 :         m_database.IncrementUpdateCounter();
     187      430730 :         if (m_database.nUpdateCounter % 1000 == 0) {
     188         352 :             m_batch->Flush();
     189         352 :         }
     190      430730 :         return true;
     191      438052 :     }
     192             : 
     193             :     template <typename K>
     194       10950 :     bool EraseIC(const K& key)
     195             :     {
     196       10950 :         if (!m_batch->Erase(key)) {
     197           0 :             return false;
     198             :         }
     199       10950 :         m_database.IncrementUpdateCounter();
     200       10950 :         if (m_database.nUpdateCounter % 1000 == 0) {
     201           6 :             m_batch->Flush();
     202           6 :         }
     203       10950 :         return true;
     204       10950 :     }
     205             : 
     206             : public:
     207      472678 :     explicit WalletBatch(WalletDatabase& database, const char* pszMode = "r+", bool _fFlushOnClose = true) :
     208      236339 :         m_batch(database.MakeBatch(pszMode, _fFlushOnClose)),
     209      236339 :         m_database(database)
     210      236339 :     {
     211      472678 :     }
     212             :     WalletBatch(const WalletBatch&) = delete;
     213             :     WalletBatch& operator=(const WalletBatch&) = delete;
     214             : 
     215             :     bool WriteName(const std::string& strAddress, const std::string& strName);
     216             :     bool EraseName(const std::string& strAddress);
     217             : 
     218             :     bool WritePurpose(const std::string& strAddress, const std::string& purpose);
     219             :     bool ErasePurpose(const std::string& strAddress);
     220             : 
     221             :     bool WriteTx(const CWalletTx& wtx);
     222             :     bool EraseTx(uint256 hash);
     223             : 
     224             :     bool WriteKeyMetadata(const CKeyMetadata& meta, const CPubKey& pubkey, const bool overwrite);
     225             :     bool WriteKey(const CPubKey& vchPubKey, const CPrivKey& vchPrivKey, const CKeyMetadata &keyMeta);
     226             :     bool WriteCryptedKey(const CPubKey& vchPubKey, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchCryptedSecret, const CKeyMetadata &keyMeta);
     227             :     bool WriteMasterKey(unsigned int nID, const CMasterKey& kMasterKey);
     228             : 
     229             :     bool WriteCScript(const uint160& hash, const CScript& redeemScript);
     230             : 
     231             :     bool WriteWatchOnly(const CScript &script, const CKeyMetadata &keymeta);
     232             :     bool EraseWatchOnly(const CScript &script);
     233             : 
     234             :     bool WriteBestBlock(const CBlockLocator& locator);
     235             :     bool ReadBestBlock(CBlockLocator& locator);
     236             : 
     237             :     bool WriteOrderPosNext(int64_t nOrderPosNext);
     238             : 
     239             :     bool ReadPool(int64_t nPool, CKeyPool& keypool);
     240             :     bool WritePool(int64_t nPool, const CKeyPool& keypool);
     241             :     bool ErasePool(int64_t nPool);
     242             : 
     243             :     bool WriteMinVersion(int nVersion);
     244             : 
     245             :     bool WriteDescriptorKey(const uint256& desc_id, const CPubKey& pubkey, const CPrivKey& privkey);
     246             :     bool WriteCryptedDescriptorKey(const uint256& desc_id, const CPubKey& pubkey, const std::vector<unsigned char>& secret);
     247             :     bool WriteDescriptor(const uint256& desc_id, const WalletDescriptor& descriptor);
     248             :     bool WriteDescriptorDerivedCache(const CExtPubKey& xpub, const uint256& desc_id, uint32_t key_exp_index, uint32_t der_index);
     249             :     bool WriteDescriptorParentCache(const CExtPubKey& xpub, const uint256& desc_id, uint32_t key_exp_index);
     250             : 
     251             :     /// Write destination data key,value tuple to database
     252             :     bool WriteDestData(const std::string &address, const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
     253             :     /// Erase destination data tuple from wallet database
     254             :     bool EraseDestData(const std::string &address, const std::string &key);
     255             : 
     256             :     bool WriteActiveScriptPubKeyMan(uint8_t type, const uint256& id, bool internal);
     257             : 
     258             :     DBErrors LoadWallet(CWallet* pwallet);
     259             :     DBErrors FindWalletTx(std::vector<uint256>& vTxHash, std::list<CWalletTx>& vWtx);
     260             :     DBErrors ZapSelectTx(std::vector<uint256>& vHashIn, std::vector<uint256>& vHashOut);
     261             :     /* Function to determine if a certain KV/key-type is a key (cryptographical key) type */
     262             :     static bool IsKeyType(const std::string& strType);
     263             : 
     264             :     //! write the hdchain model (external chain child index counter)
     265             :     bool WriteHDChain(const CHDChain& chain);
     266             : 
     267             :     bool WriteWalletFlags(const uint64_t flags);
     268             :     //! Begin a new transaction
     269             :     bool TxnBegin();
     270             :     //! Commit current transaction
     271             :     bool TxnCommit();
     272             :     //! Abort current transaction
     273             :     bool TxnAbort();
     274             : private:
     275             :     std::unique_ptr<DatabaseBatch> m_batch;
     276             :     WalletDatabase& m_database;
     277             : };
     278             : 
     279             : //! Compacts BDB state so that wallet.dat is self-contained (if there are changes)
     280             : void MaybeCompactWalletDB();
     281             : 
     282             : //! Callback for filtering key types to deserialize in ReadKeyValue
     283             : using KeyFilterFn = std::function<bool(const std::string&)>;
     284             : 
     285             : //! Unserialize a given Key-Value pair and load it into the wallet
     286             : bool ReadKeyValue(CWallet* pwallet, CDataStream& ssKey, CDataStream& ssValue, std::string& strType, std::string& strErr, const KeyFilterFn& filter_fn = nullptr);
     287             : 
     288             : /** Return object for accessing dummy database with no read/write capabilities. */
     289             : std::unique_ptr<WalletDatabase> CreateDummyWalletDatabase();
     290             : 
     291             : /** Return object for accessing temporary in-memory database. */
     292             : std::unique_ptr<WalletDatabase> CreateMockWalletDatabase();
     293             : 
     294             : #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_WALLETDB_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15