LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/wallet - coinselection.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 34 36 94.4 %
Date: 2020-09-26 01:30:44 Functions: 28 28 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
       2             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       3             : // file COPYING or
       4             : 
       5             : #ifndef BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H
       6             : #define BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H
       7             : 
       8             : #include <amount.h>
       9             : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
      10             : #include <random.h>
      11             : 
      12             : class CFeeRate;
      13             : 
      14             : //! target minimum change amount
      15             : static constexpr CAmount MIN_CHANGE{COIN / 100};
      16             : //! final minimum change amount after paying for fees
      17             : static const CAmount MIN_FINAL_CHANGE = MIN_CHANGE/2;
      18             : 
      19    32964406 : class CInputCoin {
      20             : public:
      21     2404532 :     CInputCoin(const CTransactionRef& tx, unsigned int i)
      22     1202266 :     {
      23     1202266 :         if (!tx)
      24           0 :             throw std::invalid_argument("tx should not be null");
      25     1202266 :         if (i >= tx->vout.size())
      26           0 :             throw std::out_of_range("The output index is out of range");
      27             : 
      28     1202266 :         outpoint = COutPoint(tx->GetHash(), i);
      29     1202266 :         txout = tx->vout[i];
      30     1202266 :         effective_value = txout.nValue;
      31     2404532 :     }
      32             : 
      33     1152162 :     CInputCoin(const CTransactionRef& tx, unsigned int i, int input_bytes) : CInputCoin(tx, i)
      34             :     {
      35     1152162 :         m_input_bytes = input_bytes;
      36     1152162 :     }
      37             : 
      38             :     COutPoint outpoint;
      39             :     CTxOut txout;
      40             :     CAmount effective_value;
      41     1202266 :     CAmount m_fee{0};
      42     1202266 :     CAmount m_long_term_fee{0};
      43             : 
      44             :     /** Pre-computed estimated size of this output as a fully-signed input in a transaction. Can be -1 if it could not be calculated */
      45     1202266 :     int m_input_bytes{-1};
      46             : 
      47     1446234 :     bool operator<(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
      48     1446234 :         return outpoint < rhs.outpoint;
      49             :     }
      50             : 
      51             :     bool operator!=(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
      52             :         return outpoint != rhs.outpoint;
      53             :     }
      54             : 
      55        1169 :     bool operator==(const CInputCoin& rhs) const {
      56        1169 :         return outpoint == rhs.outpoint;
      57             :     }
      58             : };
      59             : 
      60             : struct CoinEligibilityFilter
      61             : {
      62             :     const int conf_mine;
      63             :     const int conf_theirs;
      64             :     const uint64_t max_ancestors;
      65             :     const uint64_t max_descendants;
      66             : 
      67       25816 :     CoinEligibilityFilter(int conf_mine, int conf_theirs, uint64_t max_ancestors) : conf_mine(conf_mine), conf_theirs(conf_theirs), max_ancestors(max_ancestors), max_descendants(max_ancestors) {}
      68       14338 :     CoinEligibilityFilter(int conf_mine, int conf_theirs, uint64_t max_ancestors, uint64_t max_descendants) : conf_mine(conf_mine), conf_theirs(conf_theirs), max_ancestors(max_ancestors), max_descendants(max_descendants) {}
      69             : };
      70             : 
      71    37255348 : struct OutputGroup
      72             : {
      73             :     std::vector<CInputCoin> m_outputs;
      74      978053 :     bool m_from_me{true};
      75      978053 :     CAmount m_value{0};
      76      978053 :     int m_depth{999};
      77      978053 :     size_t m_ancestors{0};
      78      978053 :     size_t m_descendants{0};
      79      978053 :     CAmount effective_value{0};
      80      978053 :     CAmount fee{0};
      81      978053 :     CAmount long_term_fee{0};
      82             : 
      83     1956106 :     OutputGroup() {}
      84             :     OutputGroup(std::vector<CInputCoin>&& outputs, bool from_me, CAmount value, int depth, size_t ancestors, size_t descendants)
      85             :     : m_outputs(std::move(outputs))
      86             :     , m_from_me(from_me)
      87             :     , m_value(value)
      88             :     , m_depth(depth)
      89             :     , m_ancestors(ancestors)
      90             :     , m_descendants(descendants)
      91             :     {}
      92      933801 :     OutputGroup(const CInputCoin& output, int depth, bool from_me, size_t ancestors, size_t descendants) : OutputGroup() {
      93      933801 :         Insert(output, depth, from_me, ancestors, descendants);
      94      933801 :     }
      95             :     void Insert(const CInputCoin& output, int depth, bool from_me, size_t ancestors, size_t descendants);
      96             :     std::vector<CInputCoin>::iterator Discard(const CInputCoin& output);
      97             :     bool EligibleForSpending(const CoinEligibilityFilter& eligibility_filter) const;
      98             : 
      99             :     //! Update the OutputGroup's fee, long_term_fee, and effective_value based on the given feerates
     100             :     void SetFees(const CFeeRate effective_feerate, const CFeeRate long_term_feerate);
     101             :     OutputGroup GetPositiveOnlyGroup();
     102             : };
     103             : 
     104             : bool SelectCoinsBnB(std::vector<OutputGroup>& utxo_pool, const CAmount& target_value, const CAmount& cost_of_change, std::set<CInputCoin>& out_set, CAmount& value_ret, CAmount not_input_fees);
     105             : 
     106             : // Original coin selection algorithm as a fallback
     107             : bool KnapsackSolver(const CAmount& nTargetValue, std::vector<OutputGroup>& groups, std::set<CInputCoin>& setCoinsRet, CAmount& nValueRet);
     108             : 
     109             : #endif // BITCOIN_WALLET_COINSELECTION_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.15